Indian shares gained ground on Monday, following a recovery in Asian markets, as IT major Wipro rose post earnings and falling crude prices helped oil marketing companies, but a fall in top private lender HDFC Bank capped gains. Meanwhile, in today’s trading session, five largecap stocks from the Nifty200 index reached a new 52-week high. Here’s the list:
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Jio Financial Services
New 52-week high: Rs 384.8. In the last one year, the stock has surged 53%.
New 52-week high: Rs 4,485. In the last one year, the stock has gained 40%.
New 52-week high: Rs 3,810. In the last one year, the stock has risen 166%.
New 52-week high: Rs 1,305. In the last one year, the stock has advanced 70%.
New 52-week high: Rs 2,133. In the last one year, the stock has gained 72%.