In its Q3FY25 update filed to the exchanges on Tuesday, the Adani Group company said that it won two transmission projects — one was Khavda Phase IV Part-D with a project cost of Rs 3,455 crore and the second was Rajasthan Phase III Part-I (Bhadla – Fatehpur HVDC) with a preliminary project cost of Rs 25,000 crore.
“This is the highest order book amongst all private sector transmission companies,” the company filing claimed.
The company has a transmission network of 26,485 ckm as of December 31, 2024 and includes operational, under-construction assets. It has built the longest Private HVDC (High voltage direct current) line.
Its distribution subsidiary Adani Energy Mumbai Limited (AEML) reported a 3% year-on-year jump in total units sold in Q3FY25 at 2,574 million units driven by rising demand. The company maintained supply reliability (ASAI) of more than 99.9% while the distribution loss in AEML improved to 4.66%, the company filing claimed.
E-payment as a percentage of total collection increased to 83.58%, signifying higher digital adoption. With robust industrial and commercial demand, the units sold in MUL increased by 30% YoY to 236 million units versus 182 million units last year, the filing said.In the smart metering business, the under-construction pipeline stands at 22.8 million smart meters across nine contracts. “The smart meter installation is progressing well with higher ramp-up expected in Maharashtra circle. The untapped market opportunity is 101 million smart meters,” the filing said.
Also Read: HDFC AMC Q3 Results: Cons PAT jumps 31% YoY to Rs 641 crore, revenue up 39%
The transmission business has presence in 14 states while smart meters business has presence in 5 states.
Shares of Adani Energy Solutions today ended at Rs 773 on the NSE, surging by Rs 84.25 or 12.23%.
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